
Another two great finds at Kinokuniya :
Sunday Home Recipe was written by Yuki Watanabe. I saw the recommendation by Beatrice and was hoping to be able to find the book locally. And I was in luck! Love the simple pictures and wordings! 😀
Haru’s Stamp Carving Life (a loose translation) was a really good book!! Not only are there beautiful pictures, the detailed instructions are really great for beginners! What’s more, patterns/design are provided for some hands-on practice. This book is simply cool!! (Haru’s blog addy here.) :mrgreen:

– 超愛“ㄎㄎㄎ.haru的橡皮章生活”﹗﹗照片﹐仔細的教學﹐等等都可以讓初學者和已經掌握刻章訣竅的人對手刻章有更深一層的了解。很贊的一本書喲﹗﹗(Haru的部落格) :mrgreen: